With all this talk of being ill and all, I want to stress most definitively that I don't think I get a pass on my behavior. In fact, I think I have to be more vigilent. If you know you have a problem and have acknowledged it, then you need to do everything you can to stay in control. You really should have NO excuses, right, well......I wouldn't go that far--hahahahahahaha
I'm reminded of a radio commerical for Dr. Laura that I hear regularly. She must be speaking to a caller about depression or something and says in a very falsetto voice, "I can't do the laundry because I'm very sad..." And then in her voice says something like, "Boy, she really knows how to work the system."
I can't wait to post a picture of my bedroom wall. I've been complaining that I can't get M to help me with the home improvements I want to make. I said I'd be willing to do just about anything to get him going. Well........ Last night, of all things for him to start working on, he started to "plaster" the ENTIRE wall with some type of repair putty. I'm not sure how I feel about this because, most of all, it could very well turn into one of those projects he starts and never finishes. Before one judges me as being pessimistic, I've lived with the man for almost 18 years and I've not had a shower wall for 12.
We've never liked the textured walls that are in every room of our house. I don't like them because they collect dust. M doesn't like them because he says they look poorly done.
I walked in on him starting this job and was stunned. He didn't say he was going to do it or consult me first. He got about 1/3 of a wall done. Please note that it's not just a matter of putting this putty on the wall. I guess it will have to be sanded down, too. He must have been a mind reader and not in a good way because I had just decided to get paint next payday and start painting......
More marital silliness:
M calls me from Walmart last night. He asked if I needed anything. I tried really hard to think of something really good because he hardly ever offers. The best I could do was to ask him to get me some chocolate (sometimes it's the best medicine). I figured he was there buying Avatar, but I didn't let on. When he got home he didn't have the movie--only a bunch of heartburn medicine and our candy (our medical Flex card expires at the end of the month so he was using the rest of the money in the account so we don't lose it). I waited patiently for him to discuss Avatar and why he didn't buy it (which I could care less about because, even though I know it's a movie magic miracle of special effects, I don't like to instructed into political correctness and beat over the head with a political message by a movie) so I could get my fill of laughing at the absurdity of my shopper challenged husband. (Hey, all in good fun!) Sure enough he couldn't find Avatar to buy at our Walmart because they must have not been selling it or they sold out.
Pause, as I'm still laughing.....
S: Remember, M, we are in the bad part of town and they lock everything up.
M: Well, I didn't see any copies anywhere
S: Did you go back to Electronics and ask anyone?
M: Well, you know you can never find anyone to help you
S: (silence)
M: Well, I don't think they had it
S: (silence) Everyone is selling it, including the grocery store! I saw it there tonight. Our store isn't like my mom's where they have pallets of movies out in plain view. The people in my mom's neighborhood would be very offended if movies were locked up, but our's is different. I'm sure if you had gone back to Electronics and asked for a copy, they had some.
M: (annoyed look saying You think you know everything and silence)
S: (dropping subject) Dinner in 15
He ended up taking C to Walmart after dinner. She had asked him to buy elastic hair bands--that's a good one--and he bought ponytail elastics. Guess what he found? Avatar in Electronics on the shelf in it's theftproof display.
I got as far as the initial discussion of "Unobtanium" before LMBO and going to bed.
1 day ago
I actually liked Avatar, and I'm with you- I HATE political correctness and entertainment being used to further a political agenda. I had to make a conscious decision going into it that I was only going to look at it as a sci-fi/fantasy movie with great special effects... and I was able to enjoy it.