Quilting is the best medicine.
I am humbled every day by quilting. I usually take something with me for next time every time I make something--usually it's: if I ever do this again, I will not do it this way...
Quilting is about the only time I get to be creative or the only time I allow myself to be creative.
Quilting isn't easy for me. I really have to put in the effort for things to come out the right way. I am challenged every time I sew.
It's not enough for me to be good. I want to be great even if THAT never happens.
I see quilts all the time and I am in AWE.
I worked on the latest Eclipse Charity Quilt block last night, Trip to Jacksonville. I was up until after 2 a.m., because I refused to give up and I wanted to finish it. I didn't finish it..... It's almost done, but I have to add one more section, a palm tree, because I didn't plan very well and the block is .75" smaller in width than it needs to be. (I also need to decide if I'm going to add any hand embroidered words, like "Welcome to Jacksonville" for my postcard effect.) I'm actually surprised it turned out as well as it did considering I knew what I wanted to accomplish, but I didn't know how to do it. I really should have drafted my own pattern even if it was to use the elements from the existing patterns I had instead of trying to force two blocks together.....after they were sewed. As a result, my plane is coming in for a landing--maybe a crash landing--instead of taking off and I lost most the bottom of the block in order to get the planes wings in the block.
.....this is also one of those times when I would have benefited from group advice because I really DON'T know it all, but when advised I usually can sew it well!
1 day ago
Shannon, I am so envious of your determination. I probably would have said SCREW IT!