I hate it when my kids prove me right. S is mad at me because I won't go buy her a Moxie Girl that she saw at the store yesterday, but I declined to buy. Forget that I took her to the movies yesterday with popcorn and a drink, bought school supplies, a treat at McDonalds and Target, bought bagels this morning and...... It's my own fault because I said I'd think about it yesterday.
It's never enough! I get so worn down as a mom from this behavior.
Enough of that.
I've been trying to decide once again whether or not to quilt a quilt myself. Bella's T-shirt Quilt top is finished. It needs to be quilted.
I've talked about my lack of skill, confidence, and patience when it comes to the actual quilting part of a quilt.
Every time I've tried, I've been unhappy with the results. My main problem is not producing even stitches--I know I can gett better at that. The biggest trouble I have is the design part. I don't doodle in real life so it goes to say that I would have trouble doodling on a quilt top with my machine.
I can't even meander well.
I decided to try a method I found online that I just happened upon. The quilter drew the design on washaway stabilizer, attached it to the top, and quilted away with pretty good results.
I tried it this afternoon with so-so results. I need to practice which is another thing I don't much like to do. I did find that I did better when I wasn't trying to stay on the drawn line, but more "echoed" the line. I quilted with more confidence having a pattern to follow.
The other thing I tried differently was using silk thread with a 70/10 sharp needle. I liked the way the quilting looked with that thread.
I need to think some more about what I want to do.
1 day ago
Ooooh- that stabilizer method sounds interesting. I might have to try that. The few times I've practiced meander quilting I've stitched myself into a corner or just lost control. That's why I have three tops waiting to be quilted...