I'm home keyed up from a full day of soccer and a night of drinking and chit chat. Oh, my!!
As mentioned, all four kids had soccer games. The day got off to a screechy start, ME, because we had a missing soccer sock and some disastrous rooms. I escaped earlier than planned to ply myself with iced coffee in hopes of calming my nerves.
Gotta love Rec Soccer...
S's game: 0-2, but not a bad loss. The girls looked SO much better losing. A new coach and new attitudes mean good things for this team even if they get off to a slow start. I wasn't happy with the Ref--a dad from the other team--who was decidedly biased and it showed or the lack of sportsmanship by the other team which said "Good Lose" as they slapped hands with S's team at the end of the game. S got to play forward and had fun!
C's game: 7-1 I love watching her team play. They are like a well oiled machine when they are playing well. Today the team was faster and more aggressive than the other team. They simply outplayed their opponents. I only got to see about half of the game because I had to leave it early to get Z to his game.
Z: 0-7.....awful! Z didn't play much because of his bruised ankle. His team has a lot of issues including parents coaching from the sidelines in Spanish and too many boys that think they are all World Cup caliber players who don't know that soccer is a TEAM sport.
****All the teams have handouts that discuss parent coaching. The thing is: who will a kid listen to? The coach or a parent he know he has to go home with?!
A: 0-5. I didn't get to see any of A's game. A didn't seem to be bothered at all according to M. A actually almost scored a goal for the other team. I almost think they shouldn't switch goals at this age. M says that the only reason the other team kicked so much butt was because they "played more efficiently as a mob of soccer players." It's the 7-year old age group.
I got too much sun again. I wore a long sleeved shirt today because the mornings are now chilly this time of year. I have the dumbest looking sunburn/tan now as a result because I had my shirt sleeves pushed up at an angle. I now have three-toned arms and my neck V a couple of shades in different shapes.
We stopped at Barnes and Noble on the way home from Z's game. I offered to buy him a book so he would just read....something. He ended up with the new Bones book which a glorifed comic book, excuse me...graphic novel, but at least he's reading something!
S was invited to spend the night at her coach's house with her daughter. I bought pizza for them since they had treated S to lunch. I ended up staying and having a couple of Mike's Hard Limeades and chatting. I kept saying I was going to go, but Coach kept talking to me like she didn't mind my chatter so I stayed for over four hours. It was nice to get out and chat with another woman. It's always enlightening for many reasons. You see that you're not alone in your problems, struggles, family issues, etc. You also hear yourself talk if you listen well enough and can hear how ridiculous some of the stuff you are bitching about really is.....
1 day ago
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