M dropped our ballots of last Thursday. The conspiracy theorist in me hopes that they will be counted. (See, I'm not just a quilting group conspiracy theorist....)
I have never used my Mute button so often or changed the channel so much on my car radio. I don't like political ads PERIOD! I think they are at best misleading and useless. I don't appreciate either side's use of ads. I think they are a colossal waste of money.
I did vote with a purpose this election. I felt better for it after hearing the President call me an ENEMY more than once the past week.
1 day ago
i'm all for voting ... i even put two stamps on the envelope just to make sure it didn't get sent to the dead letter file for lack of postage ... and i'm one of those conspiracy theorists, too ...... he called you the ENEMY? seriously?!? i know that he said something about people who are afraid clinging to guns and religion (maybe not in that order?) - but that was a while ago ... see - i've been using the mute button, too, so i really don't know what ANY of them have been saying - i only know what they have done, and actions speak louder than words...