You don't have time to think much about how things really are.
Life is keeping me super busy right now. I wish I could say that I'm accomplishing a lot, but I can't. All I do is run around from one activity to another, spend just enough time on housework to keep things semi-clean and everyone in clean clothes, and have just enough time to get the minimum amount of sleep required.
What can I tell you?!
C is changing schools for spring semester as mentioned. M will take her to register on Thursday AND, if time, take her to get her driver's permit. gasp!
We meet with A's school next week for his 504 meeting. He has scheduled times during the day that he goes down to the nurse for private bathroom time. Lord knows in this day and age he can't just do that, but has to be on a PLAN to protect his rights. UGH..... In addition to being an ILP kid, he'll now be a 504 kid. Considering the fact that we aren't happy with Englewood Schools after elementary and will probably have all of them go to a different district from middle school on unless things drastically change, the labeling will make it that much harder to get him in an out of district school. Although, I've heard that schools can extra money for certain things so maybe it could be to our benefit?!
I'll have 3 years at my job in November. Thank you GOD! M just had his one-year anniversary with his new company. He is doing well. KNOCK ON WOOD
Soccer season is almost over! I'd like to take a break for awhile, but C wants to play indoor if she can find a team. S and A want to play rec basketball.
I only have virtual quilting to report on. I'm in a slump....or something. I went through some EQ files last night. I had EQ5 files on my laptop, that is on its last legs, and that we recovered from the old home pc that died months ago. I even had EQ4 files. I only saved about 20 and deleted the rest. I didn't use the program for much quilt designing then, and not much now, and really only to print patterns. I need to go through all the pictures and documents I have saved, but after spending too much time looking for a thumb drive and driving across town to get C from practice, I didn't have a lot of time to work. I found some old New Moon Quilt stuff which still annoys me, but not the pattern I was really looking for.
1 day ago
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