M took the kids to the doctor's this afternoon. Day #3 of sick kids with no improvement and Z worse. A actually went to school today. I was at work.
It's official. They all have the flu, Influenza B, including A or should I call him Typhoid Alex since I sent him to school today? The recommendation is that they all stay home the rest of the week since rules say that people should be quarantined for at least 48 hours after their fevers break.
Just call me Shannon Mom M.D. as I was pretty sure we had the flu and that there wasn't much we could do about it except ride it out. I've been monitoring fevers and other symptoms to be sure they stayed within the non-alarming range. However, we decided on taking them to the doctor.
We have the letters to prove flu from the doctor and to provide to the school district if they should ask. (Yes, a couple of months ago I received letters for S and A about their excessive absences in the first semester and a possible need to provide doctor's letters should they have any more....)
They're all off Monday for President's Day.
C's main concern is if she will get to attend her dance on Saturday.
My plans for frivolity tomorrow have been dashed. (I was going to treat myself to lunch and a discount showing of Harry Potter since I haven't seen it yet.)
Yep, should have gotten a flu shot. Oh, yeah, right..... M is the one that brought this home and was sick first and he was the only one who did get a flu shot this year.
1 day ago
That sucks! I hope you have a Happy Birthday!