Some people check into rehab for drug and alchol abuse. Some people have an interventions for the same.
I need some type of rehab for people absent of social skills with a little bit of hatefullness thrown in.
I think I need to be resocialized.
This brings up images of me being put into some type of camp and brainwashed like a political prisoner of old in some type of regime or maybe in a dystopian society (like is so popular in many YA novels these days).
Don't could work!
1 day ago
socialization - if you were a puppy, we could take you out of your crate and play with you ... and you would have puppy breath - which melts just about any human's heart ... and when we were finished, we could put you back in your crate and ignore you till you whined to go out to pee ... and if you were really, really bad, we could tap your nose to shame you ... do you REALLY want to be socialized?