Today was my last day of vacation. I took Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday off because my babysitter was off having fun in New Orleans. LOL Michael took the time off, too, so I probably shouldn't have. I have annoying anxiety about going back. I left things in good shape when I left, but it's hard for me to enjoy vacation because I always worry about what I'll come back to.
I didn't do much of nothin'. I'm trying to quiet that nagging voice in my head that is telling me how bad I am for not getting more done.
Heck, I didn't even do much of anything fun either so that voice can argue with the other one. Quilting would have been nice, but I did some housework instead.
You know something's up when I'd rather do housework than sew.... Not too much housework, though, The walls are still filthy. The kitchen floor didn't get mopped.
I remade Edward's Bed block with so-so results. People are so wrong when they say I'm so good or that I have too high oppinion of myself. I still screwed this block up on the third try. I would have tried again, seriously, but I was out of fabric. Yeah, idiot. The difference in me, though, is that I refuse to leave something if I know I can do a better job the second or third time around---if I have fabric. LOL
I finished watching True Blood, Season 1. Why am I putting so much emphasis on this by announcing it here? Well, the show has a lot of history for me. I tried to watch it before, but we stopped HBO in the middle of the season when we were too broke for even cable. Iris, of TQC.....%#@*, burned the season for me but I sent it back to her in my fit. The show is my guilty pleasure because it's embarrassing for me to watch with M because of all of the sex! (Yeah, something wrong with something if I can't watch a sexy show with my husband in the room.) I've read most of the books and I was annoyed the whole time, but they're a whole series and if you read one you've got to keep going. I'm known for reading crap (I grew up on Harlequins, etc.), but these books are bad crap. When I read books like these, I kick myself for not being able to come up with such a good idea. I know that writing is more than the idea and the story, but when I read stuff like this it's hard to fathom how some books get published. (Oh, yeah! People aren't like me: they don't let negativity and self-doubt stop them from doing things.) The writing is SOOOOOO bad even with a great story. How disingenious am I for saying I read them and then calling them crap? LOL I like the T.V. show, though, for the most part. I am Team Eric!
I also watched Season 1 of Bones and some of Season 2. I watch the reruns all the time, but it was nice to play the episodes all in a row. I've seen a lot of Season 2 and remember them so I've skipped a lot of those episodes.
I'm a freakin' couch potato. It's Netflix's fault.
Quilting hasn't been calling my name as I've said. I'm trying to figure out what to do? If it weren't for the Twilight stuff I probably wouldn't sew at all. I'm feeling burned out. I thought to try to make a charity quilt or something, but I haven't even felt like doing that. Deep down, I know it's because I'm being stupid. I've gotten into this habit of not being able to love what I'm doing enough because I don't feel like I'm loved for what I do. I so seriously F'ed up last fall and I don't think I'll ever recover. It's not good to do something out of anger and that's where I'm still at because you'll start hating what you love.
Since I wasn't sewing and it was my last day off, I cooked instead. I made a big batch of spaghetti sauce. I cooked Sloppy Joes for lunch. I put a rump roast in the crock pot with some picante sauce to make some shredded beef. I'll make lasagna this week. We'll have enough leftovers to get through another week of baseball practices and games. We can't eat out because M and I are both tapped for moola because of vet bills and some purchases.
We're still trying to get Ginger's, the sick dog, health situation figured out. M took her to a clinic to be altered yesterday. We're glad that the surgery was able to be done as her sugar levels and weight are still so messed up. The vet said we needed to get it done because she thinks that the diabetes is brought on or aggravated by her "cycles"--kind of like a Gestational Diabetes. She was in a Catch-22. She needed to be fixed because of the diabetes, but because of he diabetes she wasn't stable/strong enough for surgery. She seems to be doing well enough today, but I don't think M is getting accurate readings on her urine tests.
I got Linger, the second book in the Wolves of Mercy Falls Series, but I don't think I'm going to read it. I'm so strange about stuff like this. There is one more book in the series and I'm thinking that I will fare better if I can read book 2 and then book 3 right after. Book 1 wasn't so bad because it had a positive ending for me, but I've heard that Linger is very sad and ends with the obligatory cliff hanger. I have to assume that the third book will tie up loose ends, but with Maggie you never know.
I'll end with this because it makes me happy. I love this commercial and I want this car. If I can't have one, I'm going to get one for C. Forget that she doesn't drive for two more years.....
A typical week in the life of me.
11 hours ago
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