Thursday, July 1

Bella's T-Shirt Quilt

Eclipse spoiler...................

I've had two people visit this blog in the past couple of days looking for Bella's T-shirt quilt like the one Renee gives Bella in the movie when she visits.  Renee gives Bella this quilt so she'll stay warm when she goes to college in Alaska--little does Renee know.  It's one of the more poignant moments in the film and a nice addition and story point in the movie that wasn't in the book originally.  As a quilter, I got warm fuzzies  when I learned about it early this spring when a I read a leaked script and then saw the photos.  I love seeing quilts in movies.

You can see a little bit of it here:

"You'll always be my Bella....."

I've never made a T-shirt quilt and didn't want to until Twilight.  I collected T-shirts from Twilight, the movie, but I never did anything with them.  (This is nothing new...I have a lot of ideas, but something always gets in the way.  I find it laughable once again that someone else is making a T-Shirt quilt of Twilight Ts.  Yeah, you know who from which group.  Everyone loves my ideas, they just don't like me because I'm such a bad person and don't respect other people's work among other things. blah, blah, blah)

When I saw Bella's T-Shirt quilt, I wanted to make one of course.  I even looked on Ebay for some Ts and asked around to see if wanted to donate their old Ts at the other Twilight chat group I visited.  (Yet again one of those projects that never got off the ground or became more of me mentioning it is and idea.)  I did see it as a potential Twilight quilt project that I could share or get people involved with.  Once again, no one but me got excited. 

I won't be surprised if is someone else takes the idea and runs with it now that the movie is out.  Bella T-Shirt Quilt for sale.  Have a quilt just like Bella's.....  I can see it now!

*****EDITED 1:30

I just had another one so guess WHAT?!  We're making one!!!  Bella's T-Shirt Quilt over at The Twilight Quilters Coven   ....


  1. Great Idea! I don't own any Twilight garb other than my twilight moms t.

  2. i don't have any - but i'll keep my eye out for them!
