Monday, June 13

It's a Good Thing I Like Baseball!

Zach, Sarah, and Alex are playing baseball this summer.

I will be with them at the ballparks M-F.  Sarah practices or plays M, W, and F 5-6:30.  Zach is 6:30-8:00/8:30 T, TH, and F (or later since the games sometimes run long).  Alex practices or plays T and Th from 5-6:30.  I can't expect M to come home early all the time so I'll have to be baseball supermom for the most part. 
I'm trying to plan which isn't my strong suit.  I don't want to and can't afford to eat out every night of the week.  I've already warned the kids that we'll be eating a lot of sandwiches, wraps, and salads.  I'll just have to make sure I make up for it on the weekends.

We got more info on C's soccer.  She has to be fitted for unis tomorrow.  I've been told to expect to pay for two and most likely three as well as accessories.  Her registration has to be in this week.  We're also supposed to have a meeting soon....  NO mention of price for anything.  I think its one of those things that if you have to ask, you can't afford it.  I'm hoping that she doesn't start practices until after baseball.  She is going to be on the same team as her old ESA soccer coach's daughter.  I told her we needed to start our own little organization for fundraising so we could sell chocolates, candles, and Butter Braids, etc.

I worked on the Twilight quilt of and on all weekend long.  I'm somewhat impaired when it comes to writing directions and including graphics.  You see, I rarely use instructions.  HA!  So, you have someone who doesn't use instructions to make quilts trying to write instructions for other people.  I think it's about one of the funniest things.....

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