Monday, November 22

No Such Thing as Family

I tried to plan a family outing yesterday.

I should have known better.

I suggested to all that we work together to get the house at least presentable for Thanksgiving.

We would go see Harry Potter on Sunday as our reward.

The boys kinda picked up their room on Saturday and sorta cleaned the sink and back of the toilet on Saturday.  C did a couple of loads of laundry and yelled at S to pick up her side of the room.  I puttered around the house.  M did nothing.

Sunday morning rolled around.  I was annoyed.  C was trying to figure out how to go to the movie AND do something with her friends even if it meant that we change the time we were going to go to the movie.  S didn't want to go to the movie because she wanted to go swimming with her friend and she thought she would be too scared AND oh, by the way, she's not into HP.

When I expressed my "sadness" to M, I got an unsympathetic lecture.  Kids will be kids.....  C is a teenager and it's typical for her to want to do things with her friends instead of us--HE WAS THE SAME WAY.

I put on my martyr hat.

It's hard NOT to be pushed over the edge when we talk.  One of the other things he said to me was that

he didn't know that our going to the movies was meant to be a family outing.....

He can't be that much of an idiot.

Dear Family,

Excuse me for wanting to do something as a family with you ALL.

I didn't want to necessarily go to see a movie with you ALL either, but in the interest of being a FAMILY and trying to do something as a FAMILY, I suggested a movie.

See if I EVER do it again!


C and I got into an argument.  S went swimming with her friend and then to play after.  M took C, Z, and A to the movie.  I stayed home.  (I did some laundry.  I cleaned up my sewing area by putting everything away--that's a whole 'nother story.)

I probably won't see it until it comes out on DVD.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! Blake's girlfriend just moved back and I havn't seen him for 2 days!
