Thursday, November 4


I had psyched myself up to sew last night, but life got in the way.

I came home from taking Z to his orthodontist appointment...  grrr!  I had to leave work at 12:45 and lost another 3 hours.  It's been a bad week for losing hours at work.  The orthodontist won't schedule the type of appointment that Z needed past 2:00 p.m.  Well, he was done in 40 minutes.  I just love orthodontist hours.  The office is closed on Fridays and frequently closed at least one other day a week.  The practice has just moved into another new location for the second time in four years.  I overheard the receptionist and office manager responding to a patient question as to how business was going.  She agreed with the patient that business was down 20% and volunteered probably more than that.  I know that if I were to start with another practice I would also factor availability into the decision.  I routinely have to take the kids out of school for their appointments and miss work or call on the grace of my parents to help me get them there.  Z has just started treatment, but C and S have maintenance appointments still.

It didn't make sense to go back to work so I stayed home.  I was able to piece two small sections of a Twilight block I've been working on for almost a week.  The block is more trouble than it's worth, but I have no choice...

I had to stop what I was doing to take C to soccer practice.  I thought I was done with all that, but she has make-up game on the schedule in two weeks so they are still practicing.  I was going to just drop her off, but S and A wanted to go an play at the park during her practice.  I caved....  there won't be too many nice days left--it's been downright balmy in Denver for November.  C's practice didn't end until 6:30 even though it was pitch black around 6:15.

I still had dinner to consider, but we had to make a trip to Hobby Lobby.  C wanted a T-shirt for some reason or another.  Z needed a T-shirt for his play costume.  Why am I having to buy it?!  He also wanted to add writing to it so we ended up buying iron-on letters, too.

No surprise that we ended up getting burritos for dinner because at that point I was just wiped out!  $$$$ that was not in my budget.

Ate my dinner and then helped S with her homework and made Z's shirt.

No sewing....

It could have been worse.  I could have been M.  He spent part of his evening snaking our bathroom drain.  The toliet started gurgling two days ago and the shower wasn't draining at its normal speed.  We've lived in the house long enough to know what that meant.  Turns out someone----the ghost that we live with----had been flushing paper towels or Lysol cleaning wipes which is a BIG no-no with our plumbing.


  1. Ha ha- the "ghost" that you live with. I have one of those, too. It's our invisible child. His name is "Not Me." Any time I ask "who did this?" it's always Not Me.

  2. ugh - i hate plumbing problems ... i was feeling the same way about quilting till a few days ago - maybe it was some kinda virus that was going around...
