Wednesday, August 25

It Sounded Like a Good Idea at the Time

I'm over my grand scheme to get my quilitng life back in order.  That doesn't mean I'm done, it just means that I'm "over it".

I'm tired of washing fabric and putting it away--I gave up ironing it about 10 batches ago.  (M is going to have a fit over the water bill.)  I'm tired of trying to come up with the most logical way to organize UFOs and future projects so that I can find things when I'm actually able to get back to actual sewing.  (Now I'm just putting fabric away by color and theme instead of trying to keep project fabrics together.)  I'm actually at the point where I'm asking myself do I really like quilting, what possessed me to pick up the hobby to begin with, and maybe I just want to round it all up and give it away to charity?

Kidding...sort of.

I read features in magazines about sewing spaces and I see pictures of quilt studios and I want to cry.

Think of what an amazing quilter I could be if I had a quilt studio with all of my fabric organized on shelves where I could actually easily get to it and didn't have to go down to the dungeon basement with the spiders and junk to heft 30lb totes around.  I think of having a dedicated sewing space where I didn't have family chaos playing out in front of me and on top of me.  I think about a lot of things.

As many issues as I have, I don't spend a lot of time bemoaning my sewing/quilting situation.  Hey, a girl can dream.....

I do see the end in sight.  I know I will be better off for getting all this done.

As I go through stuff, I have felt little pokes of returning enthusiasm overcoming my general state of being overwhelmed by all the fabric I have and my quilting despair the past year.  I've taken some trips down my quilting memory lane as I look through books that I purchased when I was first starting out that I kept for nostalgia sake despite getting rid of so many over the past years.

I hope to get back at it tonight.


  1. Oh! I get so annoyed when I see those perfect sewing spaces in magazines. I'd be a sewing Jedi Knight if I had a dedicated space with plenty of shelves and storage, lots of horizontal space for laying out and cutting, great lighting, and not to mention- having everything looking professionally decorated. Yeah, it's never going to happen. I can dream, but it just makes me depressed.

  2. i. will. not. go. there...

    you already know that i am having fifth thoughts about quilting...

    i did see a VERY clever idea - using a "bakery bun rack" for projects - each project gets a tray so you can "cook" a block/top/whatever and then go to the next one without packing it all in a tote (to never be seen again) ... and then i priced those racks and found myself saying wah, wah, wah
