Saturday, August 21

Stashbusting Boobs

Did I get your attention?  I'm sure I will be even more unpopular with my take on stashbusting and all the cootchie coo feeling out there about it.

I'm having a hard time figuring out what all this stashbusting fuss is all about.  I know I've talked about my stash.  I've even discussed what I'd like to do about it.  I wondered if I should get in on the craze.

I have a huge stash.  I don't particular like it because I'm not proud of what it represents.  The yardage I have accumulated to make quilts was very secondary to the reason I made purchases to begin with.  I like fabric.  I like the way it feels.  I like the designs and the colors.   I like shopping at quilt stores for the recognition I get walking in the door and the rush I get buying something.  I collected and collect fabric.

Instead of going to the bar, I bought fabric.  Instead of buying something to eat, I bought fabric.  Let's not forget the times I thought I was going to be this amazing quilter who managed to make quilts and sold them, gave them away, or covered every bed and wall in the house.

The "in" thing to do is to be a Stashbuster.  "Oh, woe is me....I have so much fabric.  What in the world should I do?!  Let's come up with ways to bust through our stash gals....." by making stashbusting types of quilts, pillowcases, aprons, wallpapering our walls or whatever.  Don't get me started about U.F.O.s or P.H.D.s.  (The projects I have abandoned will probably never get finished.  I abandoned them for a reason--most of the time because I was sick of making the quilt or it wasn't turning out like I planned or the reason for making it was well past.)

No, I'm not proud of my stash.  I can't bear to part with it, though, no matter how much I try to talk myself into giving it away or using it up.  I don't buy any of what I used to because I simply can't afford it.  That doesn't mean that when I want to make a new quilt that I don't go shopping first instead of shopping my stash.

I recognize my stash for what it is:  a product or symptom of my psychosis.

I wonder how many people are really being honest with themselves?  I guess it's really none of my business.

What am I up to today?

I am down in the dungeon basement going through my stash.  I thinned it out about 3-4 years ago of all the fabric I bought before I knew what quilting fabric really was and most of the kits and FQ sets of any value when I was unemployed.  I had everything organized into totes by color and theme.  Over the years it's become a big mess.  Some totes are broken because they got knocked over.  I was lazy and didn't put things away the right way.  I just got through washing  two loads of homespuns and I'm ironing between doing other jobs around the house.  I don't know if I'll keep them, but I couldn't even give them away in the state they were in.  I'm also bringing up all my books and magazines.

I'm considering a yard sale, but who knows what I'll do?!  You'll be the first to know....


  1. I have the exact opposite problem! I throw everything away!!!! Good luck in the Dungeon I mean basement!

  2. i used to be ashamed of my stash - but then Melissa started quilting and now i have someone else to blame - bwah ha ha!!!
