Tuesday, September 21


You ladies called it.....

The dryer got fixed last night.

M has a total of three shirts to wear to work with the new company because they (he) hasn't been able to make a decision on which ones he wants.

I knew he'd hop to it, looking at the dryer that is, when it came down to him needing something washed.

I waited to wash his shirts until last night so I could include #3.  I was kind enough to wash the load, but stoically told him that there were two loads to be dried ahead of his shirts and since it was taking 2x as long for things to dry, well.........  Oh, and I'm going to bed to read Clockwork Angel since I couldn't get into the football game.  (A really good book by the way so I wasn't really just making excuses.)

It ended up being a loose wire to a fuse or something so he didn't even have to replace a part.  How much easier would it have been for him to just look at it on Sunday?!

Something that isn't fixed is me.  I've been experiencing some numbness in my hands for the past year.  I've had trouble with my hands for almost 20 years and I just deal with it.  I went through the testing for Carpal Tunnel when that syndrome was really in vogue, but I never considered surgery or anything.  I address my issues with occasional Advil, ice, and rest.  My index fingers started going numb and turning white when subjected to cold about a year ago.  I got online to see what it might be and it could be any number of things.  Yesterday, I noticed that my lips and chin felt numb.  I may not even really noticed, but I've been aware of my face the past couple of days because I got sunburned on Saturday and my lips have been chapped.  It's a weird feeling like the one you get when you see the dentist, get anesthetic, and your lips start waking up.  I guess I will be scheduling an appointment soon as we get our insurance straightened out.

1 comment:

  1. I have to admit that I too am an internet self diagnoser!
