Sunday, September 26

Morbidly Depressed

C went to her Homecoming least that's the story she tells me.

She got ready at someone else's house.

We had to take pictures at someone else's house.

She was out until 1 a.m. even though M told her to be home by 12.

He has nothing much to say.  I have a lot to say, but no one seems to listen.

We're to work out our problems....

She goes about her merry way and I'm sick to my stomach among other things.

I was THIS close today.


  1. My husband and I tell our kids their consequences of being late before they even leave the house! So there is no negotiations! Good luck it sounds like you have your hands full with her!

  2. i'm thinking that it will have to be a united front or all of you will lose (and we all know how much more SHE has to lose than YOU do) ... i enforced curfews - the consequences for being late were 1 to 5 - if they were 1 minute late, next time they had to be home 5 minutes earlier - and if they didn't show up on time the next time, i multiplied it by another 5 ... at the time, their father was cooperating with the discipline and it only took a couple of early nights for them to realize that "i was only ten minutes late" was gonna cost them an hour ... she OWES you for the summer fiasco, anyway

    by the way - she LOOKS gorgeous ... time for Dad to puff up like Popeye and defend his daughter's virtue from the teen-aged boys out there
