Wednesday, August 10

Quilting All-Nighters

I'm a zombie today after being up all night finishing the quilt.  My butt was glued to my sewing chair for most of the night.  (A sad state since I was even too lazy/involved to changed the channel on the T.V. and ended up watching Borat while M snored away on the couch.)  My body is a mess of aches and pains.  My brain is mush.

I dropped it off at Creative Needle for Top Quilters--a whole 'nother story that I don't want to get into right now.

The polka dots won.  The quilter is just going to have to deal with 5ish" on all sides for the backing instead of the six requested.  She's usually pretty quick and I called ahead so she's expecting it.  I had hoped to deliver it to CN by Sunday, but.....well, you know!

C says she loves it!

I forgot to laugh when M said that she'll probably break up with him as soon as she gives it to him.

It's a good thing I'm so tired or I'd bore you with more critique of my work.  I like the buffalo--I just wish I'd have planned better and it could have been bigger.  I used the Upside Down Applique method which I love!


  1. way cool ... way too cool to give away!

  2. I think it looks fabulous! If I were you, I'd be tempted to keep it!
