Tuesday, August 30


I find myself sinking a bit.....okay, a lot.

If you know that you're doing it, then you should be able to stop.....

It would be one thing to be sad about things, like about the dog, but I feel such a sense of despair.

I know despair is a dramatic word, but it totally fits for what I'm feeling.

It's not like I'm not able to laugh and that I walk around morose every single minute.

I'm still getting work done.

I have a lot on the brain....

Putting the dog down.  I still forget and look for him.  The extra dish.

Possibly changing Z's school because his backpack was put in the toilet yesterday during gym.  Just another incident of bullying that the school has no answer for.

S's constant arguing with me.  The sky is blue.  No, it's not.

M's desire that I change jobs to the one he found for me (probably in response to my routine bitching about my current job) that pays $2.50/hr less.

Finishing a quilt, but having no desire to finish or start another one despite one staring me in the face from the wall every single day.

No need to go on!

1 comment:

  1. if the $2.50/hour is babysitting, take it from me - you do NOT want to wipe snotty noses and change $hitty diapers all day ... and if it is food service, you do NOT want to put up with customers throwing food at you or treating you like you are dog vomit on the floor ... sometimes the devil we know really IS better than the devil we don't know

    and there is a law on the books about bullying - maybe the administrators need a copy of said law?
