Sunday, August 28

Sometimes They Come Back

The boyfriend came to the the first game of C's soccer tournament last weekend.  A-ha! An opportunity that I couldn't know it!  I couldn't resist mentioning that C wouldn't let me put a label on his quilt.

Yeah, she'll hate me forever or at least five minutes.

We had emailed each other before, with permission--C let me email tournament details and season schedule, so he emailed me last week to ask if I could still put a label on his quilt.

He asked C first if it was okay to ask me to do it.  She thinks he's a dork, but his reasoning is that he wants a lable on it so it is a fact that someone, his girlfriend, gave it to him and that it was made especially for him.

I think I like this guy!  (I almost think, though, that she has met him too early in life.  I don't think there's such a thing as high school sweathearts anymore.)

He brought the quilt to C's soccer game yesterday.  He had it in a zippered plastic bag--so, maybe there is something weird about this guy?!  (or, his mother taught him well?!  I'm kicking myself that I didn't think of that.  Then, again, I hope he's not keeping it in there and just used it to transport the quilt.  We don't want him to store it.  We want him to use it!)

I put together label yesterday with acceptable wording printed it on Printed Treasures and sewed it on the quilt yesterday.  The first one I made was awful so I got online and got instructions for a better method--I may have been quilting for years and made more than one label, but I don't work with a lot of common sense at my disposal and I also forget from one project to the next.  Duh!

I even got to take what I think are better pictures ....

name removed to protect the innocent

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