Friday, April 30

Project Monkey: Drinking of the Kool-Aid

Whether or not you think the phrase "drink the kool-aid" offensive, because of it's roots to the Jonestown murder suicides in 1978, it's a very effective phrase.  My kids would look at me blankly if I used it, buy my generation and older would probably know what I meant.

The term “drink the Kool-Aid” is used to describe blind acceptance of something, whether it be a high stress work environment, an order from a superior, or membership in a particular group(Wisegeek)

I'm asking you not to drink the kool-aid..... wherever it may be offered up:  politics, business, friendship, or quilting groups.

People become so overwhelmed by charisma, a personal quality attributed to people who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm, that they abandon any ability for critical thinking or just plain good sense regarding character and true intentions.

A kool-aid drinker will mindlessly follow his or her leader even if it means doing personal or public harm to self or others. (

What is worse when you drink your own kool-aid!

I admit to sipping the stuff, including my own concoction.  Unfortunately, I'm the type that gets sucked in because I'm so desperate for belonging.  It's a good thing I haven't received any invititations to cult meetings lately.

My professional head shrinker was aghast at my latest endeavor and lease on life.  It wasn't what they had in mind when I promised to move on.  There's only so much I can agree to and I agreed to get more exercise and to get involved and I.....have.

It's super awful quality, but I couldn't find anything better.

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