I admit to be annoyed by the low amount of completed chores by the boys when I got home yesterday. (I'm sure you couldn't tell.)
I spent the day out again. We tried out a new-to-us breakfast place called the Breakfast Palace. It's one of the divey places that you fear going into a little, but the food turns out tasting great. The restaurant has been open since 1982 and we've lived in our neighborhood for 14+ years, but never ate there. I probably wouldn't have gone, but my parents recommended it. The food is good and is very reasonably priced.
After breakfast, I took S and her friend for the long delayed b'day out. We went to the mall. Gah! I detest the mall. We went to Park Meadows this time. C tagged along so we could look for a grad ceremony dress. She wants to be an adult size, but she's still really just a 12 or 14 Children's (14 because of height--she's almost as tall as me now--not that great since I'm only 5'). We found an outfit for the girls at 'Penneys which we ended up returning after finding a couple of ridiculously impractical dresses at Dilliard's on the clearance rack. (They were still $$.) I didn't realize that they wanted to wear them to school, duh mom, until they started talking about needing sweaters to cover up their shoulders and the thin straps because of the school dress code. I refused to put out another $20/each for such item. So, now, I have to make the T-shirts we bought at Target work. (I will be searching online for tips on sewing with knit....tonight...so they can wear them tomorrow!) double GAH! C also found a very cute dress there. We put it on hold for g-ma to buy since, by then, I was out of money. (C had to have body spritzer and lotion from Bath and Body Works before all this. We both smell good now, but I could have survived on Jergens.)
I am so tired and still....SICK! All I want to do is go to bed!! Shopping is so tiring!!!
Now, to the subject of my post.
M is picking up poop in the backyard. I got to thinking about how uppity I was yesterday and felt bad. I apologized to him when I saw what he was doing. I told him that ONE job equals 10 jobs anywhere else in the house with the exclusion of cleaning the bathroom. He also disposed of all the science experiments from the fridge while I was gone. I totally give him that because he is always the one to say that he has a poor sense of smell so I figure I should take advantage of it.
I would like to finish the block tonight, but I don't think I will have the energy. I'm so bummered that the background fabric I picked out isn't going to work. It's too distracting. Twice, now, I've tried to use it and it hasn't worked out. I'm not sure if I'm sold on the blue we settled on, but I can't change my mind because the eagle has landed or is fused. It does contrast well with the background. I'm undecided on thread. I'm not a fan of invisible thread, but I may have to this time. A lot of the background will be lost when I square up after sewing. I gave myself plenty extra fabric for shrink.
1 day ago
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