Monday, May 17

Hunter or the Prey?

I couldn't bring myself to use monofilament thread for the block.  I've yet to master using it and I don't really like the way it looks anyway.  I scanned the block and you can see all my errors, but just chalk them up to the thread painting effect, will ya....  I added more feathers in the center section for an added touch.  I didn't sew the feet or beak.  I may leave it that way, but the reason it's not now is because I forgot to get thread.  The block has been squared up to its 7.5" unfinished size and I haven't added the frame yet.

I'm toying with the idea of a Birds and the Bees block.  I have a cool pattern that I found.  I was going to do Imprinting, but I'm undecided on the design of the block.  As far as I know, by Eclipse three wolves have imprinted and I'd like to incorportate that into the block.  I also have all the stuff for my college pennants.

I still feel like crap, but I'm rarely too sick to sew.....


  1. ooooo ... i like THIS one, TOO!!!

  2. I think it looks fabulous! I am very impressed. I love the eagle and I love the way the marbled blue fabric looks as the sky- just perfect. I can't wait to see what other blocks you come up with!
