Wednesday, May 26

Graduation x2

C's Continuation Ceremony was this evening.  I was confused by the term, but I learned that it's the term that is used in this district for 5th graders "graduating" to 6th grade and middle school and 8th graders graduating and moving on to high school.

I took today off because I knew the afternoon would be too hectic with the ceremony at 5:00.  S also wanted me to come to her class party at a local park for her last day of school.  We shared a Subway sandwich for lunch which was the only real highlight of the day.  She was fighting with her BFF again and was in tears and hovering most of our time at the park.  Long story short, she refused to apologize to and with her friend on the count of 3 as suggested by both moms.  I had no sympathy for her after that and was kind of embarrassed by her behavior.  Long story short, they came out holding hands an hour later and S spent the evening at the BFF's house.  LOL.....

I hot rollered C's hair and helped her get ready.  She looked beautiful in her dress.  She was visibly nervous about the ceremony when I dropped her off early to meet up with her class.  M was late getting home and we barely made the ceremony.  My mom and dad came, too.  They saved us seats so we were all good.

C was awarded a Citizenship Award (an award for attendance, participation in extra-cirricular activities, and .... good behavior at school) and the Presidential Award of Excellence for carrying at least a 3.5 the entire year.  We are very proud of her!!!!  (not bad for a curfew breaker....LOL)

In my spare time today, I worked on a very simple Eclipse block.  I picked out the fabrics last night and got the pattern ready.  (I begrudingly used the blue background fabric--bad Coven memories--because it was just too perfect not to.)

The block isn't done.  M is insisting I use a real tassel so I will be making one of those after I find instructions and I want to make a fabric-covered button so I will need to buy the kit.  I don't want to make the block too busy, but I need to make the block my own and I want to figure out a way to add an invitation to Alice's graduation party at the Cullens.

I continue to find it hilarious about the back and forth that continues to go on regarding who is allowed or has a right to make Twilight quilts, block designs and permissions, etc.  (as if I really would want to use 99% of I believe this to be true:  all block ideas must be directly credited to the creative genius that is Stephenie Meyer. We cannot in good faith take credit for any quilt block as an original idea because without the Twilight series they would not be and groups would not be. We only have the benefit of taking her work and channeling her writing through our creativity.  As far as a graduation block goes....An Eclipse graduation block is what it is:  and, for one, inspired directly by events in Eclipse.  A cap and diploma are a generic and natural representation of graduation.  Why am I even trying to explain myself?!  I'm not really as bothered as it may seem.

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